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Call for Abstracts

Submit Your Proposal by March 28, 2025

The Tenth Global Waste Management Symposium (GWMS) will serve as a forum for the presentation of applied and fundamental research, case studies, and policy analysis on solid waste and materials management.

We invite the community of researchers, engineers, designers, academicians, students, facility owners and operators, regulators, and policymakers to participate. GWMS will be held in a setting where all participants can share ideas and will include oral and poster presentations as well as social events to provide opportunities for technical interaction and discussion.

We invite abstracts in all areas related to solid waste engineering and management, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Circularity, life cycle assessment, sustainable materials management
  • PFAS and other emerging contaminants
  • Emissions generation and measurement
  • Leachate treatment and management
  • Waste minimization and reuse
  • Waste management planning
  • Landfill operation and design
  • Elevated temperatures/Subsurface reactions in landfills
  • Waste containment and geosynthetics
  • Waste stability 
  • Odor management
  • Recycling and material markets
  • Mitigating risks of fires (e.g. lithium-ion batteries)
  • Organics diversion/composting/anaerobic digestion
  • Waste-to-energy/Thermal Conversion
  • Waste collection, transport, and safety
  • Waste transfer (stations, rail, etc.)
  •  Waste characterization
  • Management of aqueous and special wastes
  • Wastes from energy production (e.g. coal ash)

Abstract Submission Guidelines and Instructions

The abstract template must be used to submit your proposal. The abstract should be data-driven and provide sufficient detail to show that it contains significant results of a case study, applied or fundamental research, or policy/regulatory/economic analysis. The inclusion of tables or figures that summarize selected results is encouraged. Abstract length is limited to two pages of single-spaced text, excluding tables and figures. Abstracts describing plans for future work or that sell a product, or service will not be accepted.

The symposium technical committee will make final decisions regarding presentations. Abstracts must be submitted electronically. Please name the file by the primary author’s last name, affiliation and a few descriptive words on the topic, such as “Potts-STARK-recyclingcontamination.pdf”. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is March 28, 2025. Notification to authors regarding whether or not the abstract is accepted will be provided in June 2025.

Note: All presenters (poster and oral) are required to register for the symposium.